Our shelter continues to be at capacity, and we receive at least 30 new dogs, on average, every day. Kennel space is needed every day for our new arrivals, which means our team always has an urgency to move dogs out of the shelter. Due to the fact that we have no open kennels and more dogs coming in than are going out, all the dogs on this list should be considered urgent placements. We are sharing this in an effort to find homes for these dogs as quickly as we can, so that we do not have to euthanize them because of how full we are.
See ways that you can help the dogs on the at-risk list at the resources listed at the bottom of the page below the table.
If you are interested in fostering a dog, please visit this page to fill out the foster sign up form and schedule an appointment or email [email protected]. Dogs on our at-risk list are also eligible for fostering-to-adopt. The Canine Foster-to-Adopt program aims to find suitable homes for hard-to-place dogs by avoiding prolonged stays in the shelter or in foster care. Mirroring our adoption process, our goal is to match you with a dog that after two weeks in your home, you decide to adopt.
Please note: Dogs with a placement deadline in the urgency column are not eligible for foster or foster-to-adopt but are eligible for adoption. This is so our foster team can utilize their time and resources to place the other hundreds of dogs in our care into foster homes.
Being “at-risk” does not mean a dog is going to be automatically euthanized; instead it is an opportunity for our organization to focus attention and advocate for at-risk dogs by finding ways to improve quality of life or find appropriate placement alternatives. We also track when we’ve marketed these dogs, if they go to playgroups, if they participate in Dog Day Outs, if they have a professional photo and a bio written, and much more.
The at-risk list is also intended to help all KC Pet Project stakeholders emotionally prepare in the event that tough decisions are made. It’s not impossible for a dog to bypass the at-risk list and move to humane euthanasia if the situation warrants it. Dogs with a bite history or a medical emergency might be an example.
This is how long the dog has been at one of our adoption centers in our care. Dogs are automatically added to the at-risk list when they hit 30 days in our care as that is more than a week longer than our average length of stay for dogs. Majority of the dogs that are on our at-risk list are there because of their length-of-stay. This is so no dog falls through the cracks at our organization. It’s important to note that the longer a dog is in the shelter, the more stressed that they will become living in a shelter environment, and we cannot hold dogs indefinitely.
When we reach a level of animals that is beyond our shelter’s capacity for providing humane care, we see more pets whose quality of life starts to deteriorate in the shelter environment. Dogs who spend months in a shelter may begin deteriorating and/or medically suffering in the shelter (which can include refusal to eat, losing weight, panting/barking all day long, spinning in their kennels, vomiting and diarrhea, and other concerns), and we must evaluate whether it is humane to keep this animal in our care any longer. We provide medications to help ease their stress, but many animals are so stressed that medications only provide so much relief.
Name | Animal ID | Intake Date | LOS | Date Added | Reason Added | Urgency |
Juliette | A57508508 | 12/22/2024 | 97 | 1/21/2025 | LOS, transition, mandatory meet w/ household, RG w/ people, no children, handling sensitivites, mandatory D2D, no cats | |
Sprout Ed | A54909126 | 12/26/2024 | 93 | 1/24/2025 | LOS, JAM, destructive tendencies, mandatory D2D, no small dogs, intake notes | |
Apache | A50587335 | 1/3/2025 | 85 | 1/31/2025 | LOS, transition, shy/fearful, JAM, mandatory meet w/ children, vettings & restraint, no small animals, no cats | |
Belle | A57667276 | 1/17/2025 | 71 | 3/25/2025 | LOS, mandatory D2D | |
Westley | A57776223 | 2/1/2025 | 56 | 2/28/2025 | LOS, Bite history, JAM, mandatory meet w/ household | Urgent Placement Needed |
Oberon | A57811380 | 2/7/2025 | 50 | 3/7/2025 | LOS, transition, shy/fearful, mandatory meet w/ household, no dogs | Urgent Placement Needed |
Bonfire | A57893916 | 2/22/2025 | 35 | 3/24/2025 | LOS, Bite history, JAM (LB), mandatory meet w/ children | Urgent Placement Needed |
Fella | A54827105 | 2/23/2025 | 34 | 3/5/2025 | Combined LOS, no male dogs | |
Albany | A57913889 | 2/25/2025 | 32 | 3/25/2025 | LOS, transition, shy/fearful | |
Bolognese | A57931968 | 2/28/2025 | 29 | 3/27/2025 | LOS, JAM | |
Darla | A57936124 | 2/28/2025 | 29 | 3/27/2025 | LOS, transition, shy/fearful, vetting & restraint, mandatory meet w/ children | |
Creed Humphrey | A57941793 | 3/1/2025 | 28 | 3/27/2025 | LOS | |
Griffin | A57948328 | 3/3/2025 | 26 | 3/27/2025 | No dogs | Urgent Placement Needed |
Prince Precious Panini | A57977367 | 3/7/2025 | 22 | 3/18/2025 | No dogs | Urgent Placement Needed |
Conway | A57990584 | 3/10/2025 | 19 | 3/18/2025 | No dogs | Urgent Placement Needed |
Casanova | A57775801 | 3/12/2025 | 17 | 3/26/2025 | QOL, No Male Dogs, JAM, Mandatory Meet w/ Children | Urgent Placement Needed |
Safari | A55966730 | 3/14/2025 | 15 | 3/26/2025 | Combined LOS, QOL, Mandatory Meet w/ Children, No Cats/Small Animals (Prey Drive), Mandatory D2D/No Male Dogs, Escape Tendencies, Destructive Tendencies | Urgent Placement Needed |
Plato | A58027570 | 3/17/2025 | 12 | 3/28/2025 | Bite History, Transition, Shy/Fearful, JAM, Mandatory Meet w/ Children | Urgent Placement Needed |
Soiree | A57681600 | 3/20/2025 | 9 | 3/26/2025 | Intake Notes (Bite History), JAM, Reactivity, Mandatory Meet w/ Household, No Kids | Urgent Placement Needed |
Dakota | A39234239 | 3/21/2025 | 8 | 3/22/2025 | Combined LOS, transition, shy/fearful, intake notes, escape tendencies, JAM, vetting/restraint (may need sedated nail trims), mandatory meet with household members, bite history | Urgent Placement Needed |
Akia | A56279302 | 3/22/2025 | 7 | 3/25/2025 | RG w/ dogs, no dogs, intake notes | Urgent Placement Needed |
Learn more about how you can help through Adopting, Fostering, Volunteering, Donating and more.
Learn more about how you can transfer one of these dogs to your program