KCPP Friendly Finder

Friendly Finders

Be a Friendly Finder to a Lost Pet in Need

By enrolling in our Friendly Finder Program, you can provide a comfortable place for lost pets to serve their 5-day stray hold, increase their chance of reuniting with their family, and prevent overcrowding at KC Pet Project.

Friendly Finders are true lifesavers!


  • Pets are more likely to be reunited with their family nearby
  • KC Pet Project will have more space onsite for other animals in need
  • Pets are less stressed and stay healthier
  • We learn more about the pets’ personalities which can help if they become available for adoption after the stray hold

How it Works

If you have found the pet in Kansas City, MO, you can bring them to the KC Campus for Animal Care location during our open Admission hours and let us know you are interested in becoming a Friendly Finder! At that time, we will perform normal intakes on the pet (vaccines and Advantage Multi) and ask you to complete our Friendly Finder Agreement. You will also be provided any supplies you may need for the duration of the pets stay in your home including a collar, leash, food, crate, etc.

During the lost pets stay in your home, the shelter will continue working to locate their family. This includes, but is not limited to, posting the animals photo and information on our website, Petco Love Lost, Pawboost and Facebook, as well as reviewing Lost Pet Reports and social media postings for a possible match.

What If the Family Is Not Found?

If a family is not discovered for the lost pet, you will have the option to continue fostering, adopting, or returning the pet to the shelter to be made available for adoption to the public.

What if the Family Is Found?

If a family is found, KC Pet Project will contact you to schedule a time within 24 hours to return the pet to the shelter so they can be reunited with their family!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all found pets eligible for the Friendly Finder Program?

Not all pets are eligible to participate in our Friendly Finder Program. Currently, we do not enroll kittens or cats in the Friendly Finder Program, and dogs eligible for the program are at the discretion of the KC Pet Project team. Dogs with behavioral concerns, and/or medical concerns as determined by the KC Pet Project Veterinary Team, are not eligible for the Friendly Finder Program. Small mammals and exotic pets are eligible for the Friendly Finder Program at the discretion of KC Pet Project staff.

What if I have pets at home?

It is recommended that you keep the found pet and your owned pets separated during the Friendly Finder period. Coming into a new home, with new people, sounds and smells is already stressful, but adding in another animal that they are unfamiliar with can make it more so. If you continue to foster after the stray hold has ended, the KC Pet Project team can assist you in introducing everyone in a controlled environment.

Do you provide any medical care for the found pet?

Yes; we will vaccinate the found pet (DA2PP & Bordetella) and apply topical treatment, Advantage Multi (used to treat fleas, heartworm, sarcoptic mange, intestinal parasites and ear mites). If the pet is unaltered, we will also spay/neuter them at the end of the 5-day stray hold as well as administer a microchip.

What if when I get the found pet home I realize it’s not a good match?

No problem. If you need to end your participation in the Friendly Finder program before the 5-day stray hold has been completed, we understand and will take the animal back to continue serving their hold at our KC Campus for Animal Care.

What if I find the owners myself?

That’s wonderful! If you find the owners yourself, our Return-to-Home Team will work with you on getting that pet home and ensuring services are offered to the pet owner, and KC Pet Project has all of the information they need to outcome the animal in our system.

Can I adopt the found pet at the end of the stray hold?

Yes! If no owner is found during the stray hold, we welcome you to adopt the pet yourself and provide discounted adoption fees as our way of saying “thank you!” for your support of the program.

I didn’t find the animal in Kansas City, MO – can we still participate in the Friendly Finder Program?

KC Pet Project is a jurisdictional shelter, and we are only able to accept animals from Kansas City, MO. We are unable to enroll animals into the Friendly Finder Program who are not found in Kansas City, MO. If you have found a pet outside of Kansas City, MO, please visit our Found Pet Support webpage for information and resources!

I still have more questions, who do I talk to?

We are happy to answer any questions you may have! You can reach out to our Return-to-Home Team at [email protected] or give our Pet Helpline a call at 816-683-1383.