KC Pet Project’s Animal Services Division executed a search warrant yesterday for the seizure of 14 dogs on the property at 11225 Crystal Avenue in Kansas City, MO. Animal Services officers initially received a call regarding a sick animal at the home. Upon investigation, the dog tested positive for deadly parvovirus and was transported to the shelter where it later died of the disease.
During that investigation, Animal Services Officers discovered a half dozen deceased animals at the home. Officers could hear a large number of dogs barking from throughout the home. The dog owners failed to comply with corrective actions for ordinance violations and it was imperative that officers gained access to the home to determine the welfare of the other dogs.

On Thursday, March 30th, Animal Services Officers submitted a search warrant for seizure of the dogs in the home, which was granted by a Kansas City Municipal Court Judge. The search warrant was executed at 1:30pm on by KC Pet Project’s Animal Services Division. The Kansas City Police Department ensured everyone’s safety by responding to keep the peace.
Savannah Kenny and Peggy Cook of Kansas City, MO, have been charged with 36 criminal violations of the general code of ordinances for the City of Kansas City, MO.
Many of the dogs were being housed in inhumane, unsanitary conditions in a small interior room of the home in wire kennels stacked on top of one another. The room was dark with very little airflow. Dogs were housed in kennels that were too small, with dirty blankets and fecal matter inside each kennel. The ammonia smell was permeating the air outside the home.
“When I entered the room in the home where the majority of the barking was coming from, I was appalled – there was little to no light in the room and dogs were stacked on top of dogs and several of the large dogs were forced into small inhumane crates together,“ said Ryan Johnson, Chief of Animal Services. “The putrid odor of ammonia could be smelled from outside of the house because of the amount of urine that saturated all rooms in the house. This rescue could not have been possible without the community’s trust in our Animal Services Officers to ensure those responsible would be held accountable for the inhumane treatment of these precious animals.”

The dogs are now at KC Pet Project where they are being medically assessed by our veterinary team. There were three small dogs, four medium, and seven large dogs of various breeds. KC Pet Project is asking for the community’s support to help cover the cost of care for these dogs.
“Our Animal Services Division has been working diligently on this case in order to help the animals in the home,” said Tori Fugate, chief communications officer at KC Pet Project. “Because of their investigation and the work they have done with the City Prosecutor’s Office, we’re glad to see the dogs will now be getting the care and humane treatment they deserve.”
KC Pet Project will announce their status of adoption at a later date. Donations can be made toward their care through KC Pet Project’s website.
KC Pet Project would like to thank the City Prosecutor’s Office as well as the Kansas City Police Department for their assistance on this case.