KC Pet Project has several major fundraising events throughout the calendar year to raise critical funds for the medical care of the pets at our shelter. Some of the larger events include Hoops for Hounds, Furlough, and more. Companies and individuals are encouraged to support these events to further the mission of our organization. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please contact us.
Are you or your company looking for a rewarding way to give back to the community? Then the Kennel Sponsorship Program is for you! By sponsoring a dog or cat kennel, you will be providing the much needed funds that will handle the care, feeding and basic medical expenses for the dog or cat in your sponsored space. Your contributions will be recognized with a plaque on the space you are sponsoring. Sponsorships now available at the main shelter location, the Pet Adoption Center in Zona Rosa, or the Petco Adoption Center in Overland Park, KS.
Throughout the year, KC Pet Project frequently offers adoption specials with reduced adoption fees. These are often held around major holidays and throughout the summer and can run for a weekend to 10 days. Previous sponsors have taken advantage of high traffic at our adoption centers and offered products, coupons, incentives, etc to potential adopters at our locations. To learn more about our upcoming adoption specials and to identify an opportunity for your businesses, please contact us.
We frequently receive invitations to participate in third party events such as fundraisers on behalf of KC Pet Project and partnership opportunities between KC Pet Project and your local business. If you are interested in hosting an event for KC Pet Project, please fill out our Third Party Event form.